The following pics (more to come) are pics of tattoos that I have acquired throughout the years. My baby just got her first tattoo not to long ago and it is displayed here as well. As we acquire more we shall post them up on the net.
This was my first tattoo back when I was 14 (16 years ago), and it has yet to be finished. Funny how things go sometimes. The Wolf is my favorite animal creature, one that has been persecuted throughout the ages and continues to be mistreated to this day. It never ceases to amaze me how we consider ourselves so "humane" yet can be so cruel to all things that share this planet with us. The Wolf to me represents loyalty, courage and freedom. It has encountered many trials throughout its reign and through it all it has survived, if we could only see the similarities in the path it walks and that of our own inner quest.
There are two things that really fascinate me from the animal kingdom (although in general, I am huge enthusiast of wildlife); that is Wolves and Eagles. To me the eagle, represents freedom, which we all strive to attain but rarely do we achieve. Each tattoo embodies a concept for me, and as I am sure most tattoo bearers will tell you, that each drawing represents a glimpse into one's past.
This tattoo represents one of the many Harley Davidson logos. Since I am very interested in the Harley Davidson legend, naturally I would get some body art that depicts this fascination.
Symbol of infinity and knowledge. The center of the tattoo depicts a pentagram, divinity ruling the elements. It is surrounded by snakes (which to me embody the principle of knowledge), which entwine themselves around a celtic symbol.
Skull with a dagger through it. One of the tattoos that will soon change in appearance and concept. As a snake sheds its skin, so does one ideals and therefore the tattoo that once embodied that ideal must represent a new paradigm.
Celtic art (I love thick black and red celtic design lines) with the reaper. That most feared daemon which to me represents the Law of Karma, or better known as the Law of Cause and Effect.
Yet another Harley tatoo....ride to live, live to ride; as the say.
Skulls, skulls and yet more skulls......
Sabbath, Bloody Sabbath, need I say more?
This tattoo will be covered soon, the artist screwed it up royally and I am tired of looking at it. For those who are considering getting a tattoo, consider the artist that is going to be working on you.
Sometimes the darker side overcomes us all and we must succumb to it. Never fear the dark, embrace it and recognize it for what it is. A part of us, one that must be experienced, and learned from. To cower away from it, will only give it power over you. To experience it, gives you balance between the light and the dark.